Bunnies are prey animals and because of this, their instinct is to hide pain and illness. Unfortunately, almost every bunny owner will face is GI stasis at least once in their bunnies' lifetime. GI Stasis is short for gastrointestinal stasis, meaning that the gastrointestinal system of the bunny has stopped. This is uncomfortable for the rabbit and if left untreated can lead to death.
For someone inexperienced with rabbits, GI stasis can be hard to spot. It often starts with oddly shaped or even totally absent poop. Eventually, the bunny refuses to eat and may look uncomfortable in a hunched position. Some rabbits even hide when they are in pain. Not all GI Stasis can be prevented but there are things a bunny owner can do to try to prevent it as much as possible.
Rabbits love routine. Having a daily routine helps rabbits stay calm and looking forward to knowing what is next.
Rabbits tend to like calm, quiet spaces. Too much commotion can stress a rabbit out leading to GI stasis.
Break up feedings to a few times a day. For example, half pellets in the morning and half at night before bed and greens when you get home from work. This will help you ensure that your rabbit is continuously eating and if they aren't you will notice right away.
Make sure you are feeding the correct amount of pellets and not too many treats. Too many carbohydrates in a rabbit's diet will cause GI Stasis often.
Provide your rabbit with lots of chew toys to keep their teeth in good health. Rabbits with teeth problems often go into GI stasis because they are in pain.
Brush your bunny at least weekly to prevent hair blockages in their digestive tract.
Provide fresh water at all times. A bowl of water encourages rabbits to drink more water over a bottle.
A rabbit that isn't eating is cause for immediate concern but there are ways to ensure that you are providing the best care daily to prevent GI stasis. Following these tips will help your bunny live a happy, healthy life.